Service Agreement - Terms & Conditions
I, as the nominated client agree to:
All calls to the Radius Connect 24 centre are recorded and all data is held and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
A seven day cooling off period exists. Should you be dissatisfied with the service or equipment provided you may cancel the service without penalty within seven calendar days from the date of installation.
Radius Connect 24 is not responsible for faults beyond our control, such as with telephone line or mobile network issues or electricity supply.
Your Personal Data
In order to provide this service you have provided us with your personal data to include your name, address, Date of Birth, telephone contact number and email address.
You have also provided the name, address, telephone number and relationship to you for those people you want called in the event of needing assistance.
Radius Connect 24 staff will use this information to arrange for the installation of the Radius Connect 24 equipment and any maintenance or review required.
This information will also be used to enable staff to provide the 24/7 call response service.
Your personal data will not be used for any other purpose. You might receive an occasional email with Radius Connect 24 news/promotions or a link to review our service.
We value your privacy. The data is visible to you, your family or your loved one's friends through the secure website, if you grant them access. Your data will not be shared with any other third parties.
The data will be retained for 12 months following the cancellation of the service, after which will be destroyed in a confidential way.
If you wish to see your information or know more about how we use information about you. You can contact us on NI - 028 9039 7103, ROI - 01 670 4114 or by email
By sending photos and stories in to Radius Connect 24 and its affiliates a non exclusive, worldwide, transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual right and license without compensation to use your content on Radius Connect 24 website and social media channels.
Radius Connect 24 will:
NI Customers Direct debit taken 1st of every month.
ROI Customers Direct debit taken 10th of every month.
The Direct Debit Guarantee
Quarterly/yearly invoices/failed direct debits to be paid within 30 days of invoice receipt. If invoices not paid within 90 days Radius Connect 24 have a right to cancel the service. Radius Connect 24 will notify the customer of the cancellation of the service in writing.
Cancelling your Service
Equipment provided by Radius Connect 24 is rented to the customer for the duration of the contract. Any equipment shall remain the sole and absolute property of Radius Connect 24. If equipment not returned to Radius Connect 24 charges will apply.
As your circumstances change, you may no longer require your Radius Connect 24 service. Simply press your pendant or contact us on 028 9042 1010 (NI) or 01 670 4114(ROI) and request the cancellation. If service is cancelled after 25th of the month, direct debit will be taken for the following month. The customer will be requested to pay any outstanding payments on the cancellation.
We will arrange courier to collect the equipment. This will be arranged with you within 10 working days of your cancellation notification.
Please note charges will continue until equipment has been returned to Radius Connect 24.
Registered Office: Cameron House, 3 Redburn Square, Holywood, BT18 9HZ
*30 day free trial - Join our Mobile Wristwatch service with confidence you can return your Mobile Wristwatch free of charge within 30 days and we will refund the full cost of your order.**
**30-day trial requires initial fee to be paid upfront and if you cancel within the first 30 days this fee will be fully refunded when you return our equipment.
PacSana Family App
When you create an account with us, you must provide us information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our Service.
You are responsible for safeguarding the password that you use to access the Service and for any activities or actions under your password, whether your password is with our Service or a third-party service.
You agree not to disclose your password to any third party. You must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.
We value your loved one's privacy. By agreeing with terms & conditions you confirm that you have received a consent from the user to access their daily activity information via mobile app. The data is visible to you through the secure mobile app or website dashboard. The users data will not be shared with any other third parties.
The app does not include cameras, video or audio recording equipment. It only uses bracelet which passively monitor activity in the home.